in japanese, omakase means, "i'll leave it up to you." at OTOKO, it means, “i’ll leave it up to chef yoshi okai.”

an entrance into a hidden doorway :: an immersive dining and service experience throughout 20 courses :: a traditional craft celebrated with our own austin spin :: perfected in each delicate slice of fish.

every signature dish served at OTOKO is hand-prepared and placed directly in front of guests nightly, but the inspiration, care, and finesse in the seasonal menus begins much earlier – drawn from executive chef yoshi okai and his teams’ palates, hometowns, gardens, family kitchens, favorite records, and relentless masteries of craft and dedication to flawless execution and presentation. OTOKO opened in 2016 at the south congress hotel in austin, texas, one of the first omakase restaurants in the city, blending the rigidity of Japanese kaiseki + omakase tradition with a rock ‘n roll texas attitude and still stands with chef okai at the helm, preparing seasonal ingredients served with utmost quality :: always-changing, never-the-same.

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